Stop Word Salad at Work

Kendall E. Matthews
1 min readSep 2, 2022

We’ve all been there. You’re in a meeting, trying to focus on the discussion at hand, when someone drops a confusing jargon bomb.

Suddenly, everyone is talking about “value propositions” and “core competencies,” and you have no idea what anyone is saying.

In these situations, it’s helpful to remember that simpler words are often better than jargon.

If someone uses a term that you don’t understand, just ask them to define it using simpler terms.

Not only will this save you from feeling lost and confused, but it will also help the rest of the team stay focused on the discussion.

So next time someone starts using jargon, just politely ask them to define their terms — it will save everyone a lot of headaches in the long run.

WHAT BUSINESS WORDS OR ACRONYMS HAVE HEARD that could be explained in a more straightforward way?

Especially earlier in your career!



Kendall E. Matthews

B2B Marketing (CMO, VP) | SaaS Product Led Growth Strategy | AI Revenue Speaker | Global Brand Campaigns | Product Marketing & GTM Advisor